Become 200% More Visible In 90 Days
Every Woman Entrepreneur Wants to Be Seen.
Every Woman Entrepreneur Wants to Be Significant.

Can you imagine embodying your true self in fresh, weekly branding photos and witnessing your business transform?

Updating your photos isn't just about staying current. It's about showing your customers that you are active, evolving, and dedicated to delivering new and engaging content.

How would you feel to have refreshing photos on a weekly basis for your marketing?

Imagine the excitement and connection your customers will feel when they see vibrant, new images of you, because that's what they want to see.

Your branding photos are your business's window display, just like any retail shop's. They are your first impression, inviting customers to engage with your brand.

I'm here to help you become 200% more visible in 90 days, staying true to yourself to achieve success and lead a joyful life.


With True Elegance,
Herman Chow, Your Introvert Fairy Godmother

Become 200% More Visible In 90 Days


Woman Entrepreneur,

Why should you care about transforming your branding photos?

You see, your photos are your visual identity representing your business, and connecting you with your audience in a meaningful way.

There are many consequences that will affect you as a business owner if you keep recycling your old photos endlessly.

Your audience wants to see the passion and energy you bring to your business, captured through new, dynamic photos.

Many women entrepreneurs don’t update their photos because they don’t feel good about themselves or struggle with posing naturally.

And, I’m here to help you overcome these challenges.

Get access to my video bundle for free to transform your photos and showcase the real you.

Click the link for access - Access Video Bundle

Have fun:-)

Transforming Your Branding Photos With One Simple Solution

Visual Makeover
In business, your personality shapes your style, while your portraiture identity captures your soul.
In this Visual Makeover, join my clients on their journey of reinvention. No need for lengthy explanations, just experience the electrifying transformation as I decode personalities, infusing vitality into their brand.
Inge's Visual Makeover
Life had been tough after the loss of her father, leaving her heartbroken. On top of that, she dedicated herself entirely to caring for her husband and son, forgetting about her own hopes and dreams. Her world revolved solely around her family.
Vivien's Visual Makeover
After moving away from her corporate job, she realised the magic of keeping her own style alive while managing family life. She hired me to create her Portraiture Identity in her Personal Brand because she wanted to inspire other mothers that motherhood doesn't mean you can't look stunning.

Portraiture Identity

Client's "Portraiture Identity" -
Many of my clients love to watch what's going on behind the scene of a photo session. Let me take you backstage for a quick glimpse.
Natalie Taylor's photo experience 
Sophie Poldermans' photo experience
Photo Session "Behind-The-Scene" Compilations
Magdaleine Margaritis'  Photo experience

Client's Virtual Experience -

Prasantha: "I love the fact that he's so straight forward. He speaks from his heart and he is so observant. It takes very little for him to notice all the nuances of a person"
Blanca: "What the heck I'm gonna find what, that I don't know already. I was surprised because the discovery call was actually very insightful. The most insightful piece of the whole process"
Michelle Olufeso's Portraiture Identity Testimonial
Michelle: "My whole experience with Herman has been absolutely phenomenal. I came here with a fear of the camera. Having to work with Herman and Haroz (makeup artist) for the day, I got very comfortable with the camera..."
Edwina Delamore's Portraiture Identity Testimonial
Edwina: "With Herman, he doesn't just come and take a photo shoot. He assembles a power team. They made it possible on a summer day to make me into a Glamour Queen..."


My journey might sound a lot like yours.

Once upon a time, I struggled with self-doubt and a serious lack of confidence. I'd worry about what others thought of me, constantly comparing myself to others. I even questioned if I was good enough; my body was not my favorite part, and I wasn’t happy with the way I looked. It was tough, and I know many women face these same feelings.

My journey began as a photographer, capturing the essence of incredible women. Behind the camera, I noticed something profound. These women, too, battled self-doubt, especially when it came to their body image. They questioned their worthiness, just like I did.

Because of this, many women hesitate to update their branding photos regularly, essential for marketing purposes in business.

Through my work, I've found that refreshing and updating branding photos is a powerful tool to boost visibility.

When you see yourself in new, dynamic photos that truly capture your essence, it can transform how you feel about yourself and how others perceive you.

Imagine a world where you embody who you truly are.

It's your time to become that radiant woman, visible and shining 200% in your niche, because YOUR FACE IS THE MARKETPLACE.

I live in The Netherlands.

With True Elegance,
Your Introvert Fairy Godmother, Herman Chow

Author of "Let's Get Naked" - Book Interview
My book "Let's Get Naked" is published and available on Amazon.

I wrote this book to help women change the conversation they have with themselves about their body image.

I have invited two readers to share their thoughts about this book.

They are Rekha Saleela Nair and Carolyne Opinde.

Rekha: "I'm making a distinction here between the soul and relevance in the real world. Very often, we separate spirituality and soul related realities away from our everyday life. We think we have to conform to the world, we think we have to live up to the identity that has been stamped onto us.........."
Carolyne: "However, sometimes your weaknesses can be your biggest things that position you for success because it allows you to bring others who have strength in the area of your weaknesses to actually complement the things you are doing....."​

Tedx Speaker
In 2020, I presented at TEDx Amstelveen in The Netherlands
where I spoke about "The Importance of Printed Photographs."

International Speaker

Over the last couple of years, I have been invited to Brussels, Antwerp, Paris, Singapore, to speak at network events to female entrepreneurs.

It was through all these travelling and my connections with these business owners that made me realise that every business woman loves to be the best version in her business portfolio.

However, not every business woman knows how to inject her personality and confidence in her photographs that position her as the expert in her industry.

This is where I help you become 200% more visible in 90 days, staying true to yourself, to achieve success and lead a joyful life.

Fashion work published in VOGUE ITALY

I have worked with many fashion models around the world in the last decade.

My nature of work has taken me extensively around the world to Los Angeles, Singapore, Madrid, London, Brussels, Paris, to work with creative artists in the Fashion World.

I am so grateful that my fashion art pieces created in London and Singapore have been published in VOGUE, which is arguably one of the most famous fashion magazines in the world.

And I'm not just talking about any VOGUE, but VOGUE ITALY.

This is the link of my publication -


    (Almere, The Netherlands)
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    VAT: NL002419965B89
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    Portrait Photography

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